The How Can I Heal Trainings
32 Lessons
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Explore the theory of parts and how we can integrate them using the cube in ACE
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How to use the ACE Parts Metaphor before integrating parts - please download the PDF in the so you can review and learn the metaphor. Also Three Principles from Sydney Banks and Dr Bill Pettit are explored.
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Watch as Richard shows you how to integrates parts with Nancy using the cube and the Parts Metaphor
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Explore the theory of parts and how we can integrate them using the cube in ACE
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As Richard questions Ross about the work we did last month (September 2024) we discover a part
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Richard explains more about the three principles of Sydney Banks and answers questions about acupuncture and NES Health
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Identifying and clearing the external toxins that are keeping your client from healing
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Here Richard sheds more light on identifying and then healping your client clear external toxins
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In this session we review the work Richard did with Ross yesterday and discuss further questions about the process
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Watch as Richard coaches and gives feedback to John as he clears a part in Cassandra. There are many lessons learnt.
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Since the death of his mother from breast cancer when he was 12, and a herniated disc that rendered him unable to walk at age 37, Richard Flook has been asking the questions. ‘Why am I sick?’ and ‘How can I heal?’ His ongoing journey lead him to find there was a direct link between certain health problems and specific stressful events. He later discovered exactly how the body absorbs those traumatic situations. Curious to find out what would happen if he reversed that process, he experimented and found that the body would heal itself, completely naturally and often at lightning speed. He named the process Advanced Clearing Energetics or ACE for short, and lectures worldwide and trains ACE online to practitioners.
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